Pepper Boop Card


This 4.25" by 5.5" card features musk ox Pepper trying to boop the farm staff. Pepper would like to encourage you to embrace the cold like she does... However, she does recommend that you bundle up, like a musk ox!

Musk oxen are uniquely adapted for their natural Arctic habitat. They live outside quite comfortably in temperatures of -30 degrees F (-34 degrees C) or lower. Their winter undercoat of qiviut is lofted up by secondary hairs, creating a soft and warm insulated layer. The long guard hair acts as an outer protective shell, much like the outer layer of your down coat. Musk oxen also have small ears, shorter legs, and only a slight tail. All of these characteristics help to prevent heat loss. One of the only places they actually lose heat is the tip of their nose, so in the winter you will often see them napping with their noses buried in the snow. When they are not trying to boop the camera, that is!

If you order one of these cards, you will receive a card with a glossy front, a blank inside, and a white envelope.